Management of Homestead Manor Nursing Home by CarePlex Group Inc., another
corporation controlled by Abraham Gosman.
Cambridge, MA - When Dean Sena, owner of World Business Brokers, Inc., a
Miami-based business broker for 30 years, posted sixteen businesses with sales ranging from $8 to $54 million on, the oldest and largest online M&A site, (, he was deluged with responses. That same Friday night, an interested buyer flew in from Texas. On Sunday night, a buyer interested in an aviation company flew in from Chicago with a $100,000 deposit check. Both contracts were signed on Monday. By the end of the weekend, Sena had received 94 faxed responses to his postings; alter adding a new roll of paper to his fax machine three times. Sena, a former President of the National Association of Business Brokers, has since hired a broker just to handle the new business coming from"Aviation deals are one of my market niches," says Sena, "and I’ve made a number of deals through MergerNetwork. The first was Airpro of Florida, an aircraft parts manufacturer, which I sold to Air Investments, U.S.A."
Other deals Sena has made through the site:
· Northwings Aviation sold to Heico Corporation
· White Aviation sold to Air Operations
· Arvico Aviation/Ground Support sold to General Goodman, et. al
Recently, following the Reuters M&A feed on; Sena picked up the news that an aviation company was having financial difficulties and looking for a buyer. He checked and found they had no broker. Sena quickly was signed on. The deal with a Canadian buyer is expected to close in September. 1999.
"The Internet is revolutionizing the Mergers and Acquisitions business," says Bob Brauns, Founder and CEO of Marketplace Technologies, which operates MergerNetwork, formerly M&A Marketplace, a website for buyers and sellers of businesses (http://www.mergemetworl<.com). Brauns should know. He spent 10 years as an investment banker at Lazard Freres and Merrill Lynch. Three-and-a-half years ago, he founded MergerNetwork, which currently has 3715 sellers and 667 buyers listed in its databases. Membership has grown dramatically, doubling to 5515 members just since
August, 1998; resulting in nearly twice as many listings, many often exclusive. The quality of the listings has grown steadily as well.
"Buyers and sellers are both terribly frustrated by the difficulties of connecting with each other," ex plains Brauns. "No central source is available that connects all buyers and sellers. But, with the powerful tool of the Internet, a central source is coming into being. MergerNetwork is becoming the New York Stock Exchange of the M&A business"
Rather than spending large amounts of time scouting out potential businesses through newspaper ads, contacting investment bankers and business brokers, and subscribing to expensive and not-very-timely print and fax services, a visitor to MergerNetwork can, using a variety of quick search tools available at the site, easily scan the listings, which are constantly updated. It costs nothing to search, but to access the contact information or a listing, a visitor must join. The cost: only $14.95 a month or $134.95 for a one-year membership. ****Note: This is about to change. Will update you when you do your story.****
Members include many large corporations and buyout firms as well as thousands of small and mid-sized companies and individual’s intermediaries report that they get more and better quality responses than from any other service, and that they’re making deals they could not possibly have found without it. Sellers are able to find more buyers, which results in higher prices, fewer deals falling through, and faster closings. Intermediaries are able to close more deals with less work.
Miami Becomes Merger Capital of the World
Dean R. Sena business broker and merger maven of the nineties sees Miami as the melting point of mergers. Buyers exceed sellers 50 to 1 Miami becomes business broker’s haven, said Sena President of World Brokers, Inc. the supply exceeds the demand caused by foreigners paying top dollar for businesses in Florida.
Sena won the diamond achievement award by the Florida Business Brokers Association; the award was given to him for selling over $100,000,000.00 worth of businesses in the last twelve months. Brokers around Florida all know Sena for his ability to sell the business they couldn‘t because it was over priced or not globally marketed for maximum exposure. The reason for Sena’s success in selling is in finding a foreign buyer or foreign financing because the foreign dollar is a lot stronger than the US dollar making the American business a real steal. Most of these buyers come to South Florida looking for a business first because of is great global economic conditions.
When multi-national Philips wanted to divest of one of it subsidiaries they wanted to get global exposure so they went to a global city with more foreign and South American connections than any other city. So they came to Miami to market their business and they didn‘t have to look very far for the right broker. World Business Brokers, inc. is not only one of the largest and oldest business brokers in the United States but is one that offers full service with global affiliations.
$$ MORE $$
Miami doesn't only have the Super Bowl, the Summit of the America’s it also has Super broker Dean Sena who won that superior award from the Florida Business Brokers Association for selling the most businesses.
When Niagara Cyclo Message Company wanted to sell their world wide manufacturing company they also came to Florida to seek out a business broker and who else got the job done but super broker Dean Sena. This multi-million dollar deal was done and closed in less than one week. Sena attributed this to having one of the largest data bases of qualified buyers in the world because his data base was established over 25 years ago and doesn't only consist of US buyers but global ones.
Sena said there are not enough businesses in South Florida for sale to satisfy the demand so he has to search other areas Florida to try to satisfy al the buyers needs.
WORLD BUSINESS BROKERS, INC., one of America’s largest and oldest automotive brokers, has completed another transaction in a new trend in the auto industry. World sold Holiday RV to Atlas Recreation, whose chairman, Michael Riley, has been a client of World Business Brokers for over ten years with Dean Sena, President of World, introducing and selling to his companies many other acquisitions in the past. Mr. Riley is chairman of the now rapidly growing Holiday RV company, anticipating the new millennium to be the motor home roll-up era, leading the emerging trend of acquiring and rolling up additional companies into an existing established business.
Dean Sena states that he has undertaken an extensive search to locate other available RV dealerships around the country for his client’s expansion, sensing that this recreational vehicle company has the potential to become stronger than other automotive dealerships growing via roll-ups, as Holiday RV does not have the competition in the industry which automobile dealerships face, and consequently does not have to pay as high a multiple times cash flow as a purchase price.
While speaking with acquisition candidates, World has been told that these potential sellers have been looking for a buyer like Holiday RV, that can pay cash or offer a tax free exchange with a lot of future benefits. There has apparently not been a large corporate giant in the RV industry with these extensive acquisition plans. The sellers have usually just dealt with the Mom and Pop, family operators buying out each other or buying out a competitor and merging it into their already existing store. Most owners have been happy with someone contacting them from World Business Brokers and helping them evaluate their recreational vehicle dealership on a confidential basis. If the business is not currently prepared to sell at its optimum price, World can usually suggest what steps to take to obtain the best price.
World Business Brokers, Inc.
Named "America’s Best Business Broker"
By The National Association of Business Brokers
Miami, FL. How do you describe excellence in business? According to the National Association of Business Brokers “doing the right thing over and over for many years", not only for himself, but for the industry. That‘s the reason the National Association of Business Brokers(NABB) selected Dean Sena, President of World Business Brokers, Inc. as the winner of the 1997 "America's Best Business Broker" award. The “Americas Best Business Broker" award is the highest honor in the business brokerage industry. It is presented by the (NABB) to the person whom has done more for the business brokerage industry than anybody else. The (NABB) is one of the largest associations of business brokers in America, and is expanding through out the world.
According to the association, the “America‘s Best Business Broker" award is the most prestigious recognition a business broker can achieve on the national level. Business brokers are judged on overall business brokerage performance including system operations, marketing, fiscal responsibility, and contributions not only to the association, but the industry, and the business community. They are usually recognized by their peers as representing the highest standards and values of the business brokerage industry.
Sena has received this award several times in his thirty years in business and is no stranger to the association. He is the leader in developing the largest data base of pre-qualified buyers for the association and is also responsible for taking the association global. Through out the industry he is known for sharing his vast amounts of international buyer with other members.
Sena, is known throughout the business brokerage world for helping other brokers sell their difficult or higher priced listings to international whom are dealing with a stronger dollar than the American dollar making a deal on an American business that wasn’t feasible for an American buyer. That is a very difficult task for some brokers but not for World Business Brokers Inc. that is located in an international city like Miami with a team of international economist and international attorneys to help. Sena is continually surprising sellers with finding that right buyer willing to buy their business.
The son of Dr. Richard Sena an enterprising Doctor, owner of hospitals, nursing homes, and one of the founding directors of the Barnett banks helps Dean with many business deals. Dean Sena was told by his dad to take up business instead of medicine and that’s what the younger Sena did very successfully, having one of the largest and oldest full service business brokerage firms, offering many services from appraising to financing.
Coming from a city which has more buyers than sellers, Sena has to come up with businesses in other areas to help fulfill the needs of the buyers whom can’t find a business in Florida. His firm has one of the largest data bases of buyers in the world to assist in match making buyers and sellers, which attributes to making his firm one of the most successful in the world. We are constantly educating sellers and brokers on international buyers.
It is not unusual for his firm to handle over a billon dollars worth of business transactions in any given year. The firms sale are not only created from business sales and financing, but from appraising, management and consulting.
Sena’s ultimate goal and vision is through state of the art technology and his data base to be known all over the world for being the dominant confidential International clearing house for the sale or businesses.
Through global marketing, imagination, and unique financing World Business Brokers feels every business is saleable.
Dean R. Sena Wins Highest Award From Florida Business Brokers Association
Miami, Florida: At the annual convention of "The Florida Business Brokers Association"
Dean R. Sena, President of World Business Brokers, Inc., was honored with the highest award (Diamond Achievement Award) given by the association for selling more than
$1,000,000,000.00 of business in a one year period. This is more than any member of the association has ever sold. No one else was even close.
The association attributes Sena's winning this award not only to his 27 years in business brokerage, but because he owns one of the oldest established and largest business brokerage companies in Florida, and that he is in a city having many international buyers dealing with strong foreign dollars. These types of buyers are willing to pay more for a business than the usual American buyer because their dollar is stronger than the US dollar, resulting in a real steal when they buy an American business. Buyers also start by looking in South Florida for a business because Florida businesses not only thrive off the American economy but also the global economy, due to all the exporting and importing going on in the South Florida area. Not withstanding, Florida businesses are more recession proof than businesses elsewhere in the world.
Sena said that his office has never had so many pre-qualified buyers just wailing for a good business to come on the market. Not only are buyers paying more for businesses, but they have more cash available to invest in the purchase of an established business.
South Florida is not only worldly in languages and in international business sales, but has more global financial institutions than anywhere else in the United States and maybe in the World. It not only has foreign banking, offshore banking but also Florida has edge act banking. Sena said this, coupled with many new trade agreements, has companies from all over the world looking for a business in South Florida.
World Brokers is not only responsible for selling businesses in Florida but also all over the world. Many multi national conglomerates come not only to Sena's office to buy businesses but to sell them. Sena just completed one of the largest divestitures for Philips of the Netherlands when they wanted to divest one of its subsidiaries in The Netherlands, and Sena completed this sale with a California purchaser.
Multi nationals come not only to Florida to buy but to sell. World Business Brokers, Inc has one of the largest data bases of buyers and sellers in the world. Sena said this is easier for a South Florida broker because not only can you find assistance in the many foreign languages, but also assistance from many different foreign financial institutions able to assist in the closing and financing of these businesses.
Shortage of Florida Businesses
Miami, Florida: Dean R. Sena President of World Business Broker, Inc. sells Florida businesses to buyers all over the world. Sena, who is one of the oldest business brokers in the United States, says he doesn't like to be called old, but rather one of the longest (28Years) established business brokers in the world. When he started his business, he always wanted to live up to the name “World“ and being in Miami has helped him do so. Buyers and sellers come from all over the world for Mr. Sena to ‘match make' them with business opportunities.
Sena said that if it weren‘t for him being in Miami, he wouldn't be able to do this. Miami has become one of the best international financial districts in the world. The city not only has branch banking but it has offshore banking, edge act banking and affiliate offices of the largest financial institutions in the world. This, coupled with Miami's excellent international business climate for any type of business, attracts buyers from all over the globe that come to Miami in hope of finding businesses to purchase.
World Business Brokers, Inc. has never seen such a shortage of businesses as it has now.
Sena attributes this not only to the weak US Dollar making American businesses a steal but to the recession proof climate Florida offers to business investors. Florida does not just depend on the US dollar for its economy but also the international dollar, which is the key to importing and exporting. Also, lower interest rates and abundance of international financing are another reason for the increase in demand for Florida businesses. Most purchasers are interested in Florida companies not only for importing and exporting but for the diversification of international business clientele they get with the purchase.
For over 28 years Sena has been selling Florida businesses to global buyers. The big influx of buyers and the higher prices paid now is because of the easy access to Florida not only by travel, and easy shipping, but to the ease of obtaining international financing together with an abundance of foreign dollars.
World Business Brokers, has always been able to sell businesses for higher prices than other brokers and has always been one step ahead because they are closer to all the international finance institutions in South Florida. World Business Brokers has not only banking consultants on its staff, but also economists specializing in the global markets; which is why purchasers from around the globe come to Sena's office daily looking for his expertise in finding and closing the business transactions.